­ Our Predictions for 2025 - Cowen+Partners

Our Predictions for 2025

As we kick off the New Year, our CEO Jo Cowen has been reflecting on 2024 and looking ahead to what might lie in store for architecture in 2025.


Thank you to BE News for sharing her thoughts alongside other industry leaders.


Jo Cowen, CEO of Cowen+Partners said:

“‘Survive until 2025’ was the industry’s mantra this time last year and while 2024 certainly had its challenges, with the residential sectors particularly constrained, there have been growth areas. The alternative residential sectors, including PBSA and co-living, have seen some of the highest levels of interest among investors with more of these schemes looking to come forward across the UK next year. Whilst we are seeing more activity in the Living sectors and regeneration schemes, this remains slow.

“Complex issues around inflation and the building regulatory framework (BSA), compounded by ongoing viability challenges will continue to dominate the residential market in 2025. New government initiatives such as the ‘grey belt’ classification may start to unlock opportunities, but it looks unlikely that they will make a significant impact on delivery in 2025.

“While 2024 may not have been as bleak as some imagined, there is more optimism among the industry as we enter 2025. I foresee growth in large scale inner-city mixed-use regeneration that is phased, allowing investors to take a longer view in terms of market predictions.”